Children in Grade 8 or above are eligible to begin the 2-year program for Confirmation. Preparation begins in the fall. Confirmation is typically celebrated at Sacred Heart Cathedral in the spring of the second year. To learn more about the diocese's Confirmation program requirements, click here. If you are an adult seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation, visit our OCIA program page here.
News and Announcements
Late Enrollments for 2024-2025 Still Welcome!
We will do our best to work with you any time you are ready to join us. Scroll down to Program Info to learn more about the upcoming year, including a new option to include Youth Group. To enroll, keep scrolling to Enroll Now. Please contact Anne Thomas at 671-2079 or if you have any questions.
Volunteers Wanted
A vibrant Confirmation program depends on parent and community support. There are many ways to volunteer, but one of the most important blessings volunteers can offer to teens is the chance to build relationships with adults who care. If you enjoy working with youth, and can follow a short plan, you can help! Training provided. Check out the roles needed below, and please contact Anne at 402-9254 or if you enjoy working with teens.
- Substituting for sick volunteers (on occasion)
- Help with a retreat
Program Information
- Tradtional Calendar 2024-2025
- Confirmation/Youth Group Hybrid 2024-2025 (revised 1/14/25)
- Catholic School Calendar 2024-2025
Program Description
Confirmation preparation for our "Traditional Program" candidates (public/home school students) will happen through Weekly Gatherings OR through a hybrid Youth Group/home study approach. For Weekly Gatherings, Additional diocesan requirements (see also: Required Events, below) for Confirmation preparation will be addressed throughout the year through additional events/communication. All youth in grades 8+ are eligible to begin the two-year preparation process.
- Weekly Gatherings: Candidates have two session choices (please commit to one): Sundays 11:45am-1:00pm or Mondays 7:15pm-8:30pm. Candidates will meet with the same small group and adult leader throughout the year. These gatherings will include fellowship, faith experiences, fun, and occasional service opportunities.
- Youth Group/Home Study Hybrid: Candidates will attend one of two montly Youth Group sessions to connect with their peers in community. Youth Group will host a variety of social, spiritual, and service-oriented events, from pizza parties to Bible studies. Candidates will also complete a weekly home study on the catechetical topics required by the diocese. (Candidates do not have to attend Youth Group and do a home study session in the same week.)
- Overall expected participation for both versions of the programs is weekly.
Required Events:
- Regular worship at Mass is the most valuable way to prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.
- Traditional Candidates (i.e., public school, home school, or secular private school)
- Regular attendance at Weekly Gatherings OR at Youth Group/Home Study.
- Candidates may use the "Christ is Calling" Card to record two exused absences.
- Please contact Anne Thomas for a makeup assignment for any additional absences from Weekly Gatherings.
- All Candidates (including Catholic school students)
- A 5-hour retreat.
- The calendar will include a Year 1 retreat in the fall.
- The calendar will include a Year 2 retreat in the spring.
- If a candidate is ill or has an unavoidable commitment during their retreat, any Confirmation retreat in the diocese will count for this requirement.
- Additional Year 2 Events:
- A parent/candidate session on the Sacrament of Confirmation.
- An info session for candidates, parents, and sponsors on what to expect at the cathedral.
- Remote session on choosing a Confirmation name.
- An Immediate Preparation session for candidates with parents and/or sponsors.
- A rehearsal.
COVID, Health, and Weather-Related Safety
The safety of all children and volunteers is our highest priority. When we gather, we will follow the same health policies and event cancellations as WCSD.
Forms and Parent Resources
Find all informational handouts to help you get settled and answer your questions about the program here.
Frequently Asked Questions
- When do we talk about sponsors? Who can be a sponsor?
- We will discuss choosing sponsors at the info session at the end of Year 1. You can find more information about choosing a sponsor here, especially if your candidate has someone in mind early in the journey.
- When do candidates choose a Confirmation name?
- Candidates can begin looking at Confirmation names whenever they like! We will provide guidance and ideas in the winter of Year 2, but this is a conversation you can have at home with your candidate at any time in the process.
- Is there a family-based/home program available?
- The Sacrament of Confirmation celebrates the full initiation of candidates into the communiy of the Catholic Church. Because the theology of the Sacrament is so deeply rooted in the community of the Body of Christ, it is best to prepare as part of a community. The closest format to a family or home based program is the Youth Group/Home Study hybrid. IF community participation at Youth Group is a significant barrier for a candidate, Anne Thomas will support individual families in home preparation on a case-by-case basis. Significant barriers to group participation may include (but aren't limited to) situations like socail anxiety, special needs or disabilities famiiles feel they can best accommodate at home, immunocompromised family members, etc.
- My teen WAS in Catholic school, but they're not in Catholic school NOW. Do they still have to enroll in the Traditional Program and participate weekly? Can they test out if they have good recall information learned before 8th grade?
- The goal of Confirmation preparation is to support candidates' ongoing growth as young people of faith, love, and service in a community of their peers. This is primarily accomplished by regular worship at Mass, regardless of the school or program your candidate attends. Continued participation in Catholic school or parish Confirmation preparation is also an essential way to support growth. Elementary Catholic school education is a fantastic foundation, but it is not ongoing. Catholic school preparation is for candidates currently enrolled in Catholic school; all other candidates should enroll in the Traditional Program. Similarly, allowing a teen to test out based on retained knowlege deprives them of the ongoing support of Confirmation preparation alongside their peers.
Enrollment Open Now!
Please call Anne Thomas at 671-2079 when you enroll to confirm it was received.
STEP 1: Fill out the online registration form here.
- STEP 2: Payment
- Traditional Year 1: $50
- Tradtional Year 2: $50
- Catholic School Year 1: $15
- Catholic School Year 2: $0
- Please send payment by one of the following methods:
- Pay online by credit card here.
- Write a check payable to St. Rita Church and mail it to 1008 Maple Drive. (Please indicate Faith Formation in the memo.)
- Bring an envelope with check or cash and your name and drop it in the mail slot in the parish office door or in the donation slot in the church at any Mass. (Please indicate Faith Formation in the memo.)